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2018-12-31 15:44| 发布者: cnxqw| 查看: 36054 |来自: 盘古智库

摘要: 把握变化带来的机遇 ——盘古智库2019新年献词 如果把一个世纪比作人的一生,那么当新年钟声敲响的时候,21世纪就将迎来自己的19周岁,这个曾经的“新世纪”成年了。 即将过去的2018年,我们想了很多,说了很多 ...





















English Version





If comparing a century to a person’s life, the 21st century, the one we used to call the “new century”, will welcome its 19th birthday and then grow up to be an adult upon the sound of the New Year’s chime.

In 2018, the year which is coming to an end, we have thought a lot, talked a lot and done a lot, which has resulted in so much regarding such perspectives as meaning, effect and consensus, are left for time to prove.

The year 2018 has witnessed the profound development of China, which has faced tasks of internal adjustment and external challenges of more complexity. Some pressures have been relieved while many problems remain. There is a general conclusion: the worst is yet to come while so is the best.

In 2018, during the conclusion of the progress made since the reform and opening up in the past 40 years, commemorations and events, various in scales and perspectives, were conducted nearly throughout the year. China has formulated more than a thousand measures to further reform and deepen its opening up, all with the determination to walk along the way of this awakening and revolutionary reform.

Many of our reform companions left us with their warm memories and a new generation of followers began to enter the stage. In the recurring melancholy brought by leaving, we also felt the modesty and maturity shown by our country and our people in the changes of generations.

The year 2018 has also seen the further division of the world in which such conflicts as persevering vs abstaining, progressing vs retrogressing, public welfare vs private profit, rising vs staying became increasingly severe. Driven by different beneficial patterns, strategic targets and ideologies, competition between the great powers came back to the international stage with ever intensified extension brought about by the collapsing of systematic balance. Under these circumstances, China, which has not yet prepared both emotionally and materially, became the focus in such competition. 

We are still far away from understanding ourselves, let alone understanding the world. But one thing is for sure: we have promoted reform and opening up in a 40-year favorable circumstance; but we probably need to do this in adversity in the future.

The birth of the relatively adverse external environment is not only to blame for the increase of doubt and hostility. It also means that China is on the way to grow as a great power with more responsibility that is easily influencing others’ benefits. Coming along with this are more envy, cunning, even exclusion. The convenience and favorable conditions as an underdeveloped country will not stay forever.

With the deepening of integration of China into the world, our problems and those in the world become ever intermingled: mine are theirs while theirs are mine. The call for response and matching between domestic and global governance is needed when China shows maladjustment in this respect. China needs to continue learning from the world. In the continuing practices of reform and opening up, China is training, perfecting itself, catering, benefiting others.

While China feels more pressures on itself, we, as individuals, also feel the same. If decelerated growth is temporal, we want to know where the limit lies and where it ends. The conclusion for this wide-spread discussion is uncertain, which brings much anxiety and hesitation.

The year 2019 may bring about more changes that are more complicated, which calls for us to avoid traps of uncertainty with caution. With self-determination, we will look forward to new prospects.

However, please do not feel discouraged for trying and changing. It is no use to sign up for “the uselessness of sharp weapons and wise advice”. We should harbor “the fear for the loss of ambition during aging”, not “the fear for aging”.

In the face of uncertainty, we need discussion. The hope of a society will vanish if there is no atmosphere for advising and discussing. We also need actions: first, exertion — do your job well and help others if possible; second, accumulation — accumulate “gold” of confidence and “wealth” of knowledge for future need; third, to seize — seize the chances during change and be wisely responsive as a way to create our future initiatives. 

We also need belief. We need to believe in the reformers who grow up in constant trial and error. We need to believe in ourselves who are part of the reform agents and elements of the China Dream. Our attitudes, if gathered together, will show our way for reform and dream. Besides, we need to notice the difference between confidence and arrogance: the latter is frivolous while the former is steady.

In 2018, the Pangoal Institution, with its 5-year development, has established a comprehensive research system, a system for policy advising and industrial service and a team for operational management. It has also built up a competitive expert team and council. The Pangoal Institution has increased in the rankings of social think tanks with its advancing influence both domestic and abroad and its steps forward in terms of policy advising and implementing for China.

In the new year, the Pangoal Institution will continue to lay its focus on such industries as artificial intelligence, energy conservation, cultural tourism, cultural innovation, and health. With its complete chain of producing, learning and researching, it dedicates itself to contributing to the reform and development of China and its regional areas. Also, it will focus on the USIndia, and Korea where it holds resources with its roles as an active participant in foreign strategies and a practitioner in non-official events for diplomacy.

The occasion for the New Year is on the Slight Cold in the lunar calendar. The winter requires us to walk against the wind and snow; and just this will show one’s heroic bravery. This completes our message for the new year 2019. We wish you all a good start and Happy New Year.






